I love to worship and I love to sing God’s praises. I love praising God on my own with just a CD or an acoustic guitar and I love belting out worship songs surrounded by others also crying out to God. I feel elevated when I sing. My perspective shifts from myself and my circumstances up to a very big God. I thank God for being able to sing worship to him.
I wanted to take this opportunity to plug a worship album I’ve been listening to recently which I’m so excited about. If you know me quite well you’ll probably know that I’m a big fan of Elevation Church and particular their worship music – they inspired me to try electro worship music and as a Church, Kerith have sung their songs ‘The Lord is my Rock’ and ‘The Broken and the Tired’. The album I want to plug is their most recent album - ‘Kingdom Come’. In my opinion it’s incredible!
It’s not like it’s the best musically; it’s very good and does sound nice but in terms of creativity and experimentation they’ve kept it quite straightforward and Hillsong United’s latest album ‘Aftermath’ is much more progressive. What’s so good about Elevation’s album though is that the words so clearly come from a place and heart of worship. What’s even more apparent is that the songs clearly come out of a church which is living out its call to be the Hope of the World. Many songs we sing do declare truth. They are good to sing and are easy to worship to. However, I believe some songs do have God’s anointing upon them and come from God himself – I believe this album is so powerful because, as a church, Elevation are walking in God’s will and so their worship is coming from God’s heart for them. Below are some of the lines which really spoke to me:
‘You made the sun stand still, the oceans part. You’re powerful, it’s who you are!’
‘You promised our city would be shaken with your love.’
‘Raise your hopeful voices, make a joyful noise and sing unto the King of Glory’
‘This is the day. This is the time. When all you spoke has come alive. We’ve seen you move. We’ve seen your fire. We’ve seen it all for You are on our side.
‘Let hope swell in our lives so we can be the church that lives out your heart’
The focus on joy and hope is so inspiring. The Joy of the Lord is our Strength and sets us apart so we can be the Hope to this world. This album excites and challenges me in my worship and as I look to write songs to glorify God – am I writing just a song or am I writing something powerful from God’s own heart.
Maybe it was just God speaking to me but I’d encourage you to listen to album and I hope it blesses you as it did me.
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